No Lump of Coal in Your Stocking – How to Make Santa’s Nice List

You want to take part in the Crested Butte Santa Ski Crawl, but you can’t ski, which means you won’t be a participant in the Santa Group Ski, or at least not one of those heading down the slope. If you don’t drink, the Pub Crawl might not seem all that interesting, although it is a great deal of fun and you don’t have to have alcohol to enjoy it.

You can always be a spectator, and if you dress up in a Santa suit, you’ll definitely feel you belong, and you can always volunteer. It doesn’t matter if you’re a regular at Crested Butte, reside in the Gunnison area, or are on vacation, since in an event that can involve up to a thousand people, with each one resembling to one degree or another the real Santa Claus, there is always a spot for another volunteer.

The world is full of secret Santa’s, those who give gifts to others, usually people who are more unfortunate than they are, and the world is also full of volunteers, which makes it a better world for everyone concerned. You won’t get your name in the paper, although that is a possibility, or on a plaque, but you will certainly get a well-deserved and hearty Thank You! –probably from one or more others who will also be dressed up in Santa suits. Not matter what task you are assigned, you should definitely feel a part of all that is going on, and you’ll be doing your part to make those who most likely already are very happy, a little bit happier.

Becoming a volunteer isn’t all that difficult since there is almost always a need, so have no fear of being turned down. Have no fear of what you will be assigned to do either, especially since you’ll most likely be working with others. Signing up will likely be the easiest part since all you really have to do is find someone who is helping to organize the event, which you will be able to do online; and offering your services.

When the event is over, you will probably get a token of appreciation of some sort; maybe you’ll get cookies and a beverage or get to keep your Santa hat or ID badge, but nothing too great. Secret Santa’s like to remain anonymous, and get a good feeling for doing so, and they never get lumps of coal in their stockings, nor will you.

All Volunteers will get a FREE Santa Suit and a FREE pub crawl ticket.  Sign up HERE