Make Lasting Memories that are Different from Most Lasting Memories

Children love Santa Claus. Grownups do also, although not all of them will admit it. We, who belong to an older generation, know that Santa isn’t real, or at least don’t admit to the possibility, although a letter written to a girl named Virginia many years ago seems to suggest otherwise.

One of the highlights of a young child’s life is sitting on the knee of a department store Santa, although really young children will at times act as though they would rather be elsewhere. A photo taken of your youngster on Santa’s knee or lap certainly does make a lasting memory.

If One Santa is Good – More Must Be Better

An even greater memory for a child, and one that is apt to carry over well into the next holiday season and beyond is to see hundreds of Santa’s skiing down a hill in a group. If seeing one Santa is exciting enough, imagine how much more exciting it will be to a child seeing a few hundred of them in one place. It almost answers the question as to how Santa is able to visit so many homes every Christmas Eve.

Adults are of course encouraged to don Santa suits and participate in this Santa Crawl, one of the greatest crawls of this type. The message is this: the Santa Crawl the Crested Butte resort holds every December is truly for kids of all ages. It is a family affair.

The event is a great one for kids to witness because everyone seems to have such a great time. Your son or daughter can even play ‘Where’s Waldo’ by trying to pick out Mom or Dad or a family friend in the midst of several hundred other Santa’s careening down the hill.

Definitely a Family Affair – Except Perhaps for the Pub Crawl

Crested Butte resort caters to children. Children’s group ski lessons are available, and for those who are just a little too young for that sort of thing, a nursery is available where infants and toddlers will be looked after on a full- or half-day basis. No one will be left out, and everyone will be attended to in this family-friendly resort. You can bring children of all ages along and still participate in the Santa Crawl without having to worry about their whereabouts, especially during the Pub Crawl where only those of legal age can participate.

Older kids (not adult older kids, but older children) can participate in the Santa Group Ski as well. There is no age limit, even though there is an age limit for the Pub Crawl. Any family member who does not wish to participate in the group ski can always serve as the official family photographer to capture a video that can be shared with friends and family alike on Facebook or YouTube.

Mark the date on your calendar (in 2014, it’s December 13th), dig out your old Santa suit, if it still fits, or get a new one at the resort, and make plans for family fun at this year’s Santa Crawl, where you may become a part of history!